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Dawahcity is an educational program that was established to give Dawah and deliver the True message of Islam to the Muslims and Non-Muslims of the West. Dawahcity firmly believes in a peaceful, harmonious environment and collective work which always encourages unity & spiritual development. Dawahcity is not member or part of any political or religious organization. Our goal is not only to spread knowledge but to establish peace, love, and brotherhood among all people.
Why DawahCity.com?

As you know, internet is part of our daily life. Since it is the fastest and most convenient way to get information, many people rely on it. There are thousands of websites which explain the religion of Islam, yet many of these websites provide either false or inaccurate information.
Hence DawahCity.com not only provides you the authentic information about Islam and Muslims, but also offers many books regarding the main aspects of Islam. Along with that comes the Translation of the Holy Quran (English and Spanish) and other multimedia material.

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Writing Contest of 2014
Dawahcity.com is proud to announce a writing contest, The prizes for the top three winners will be First place: $150 = Second place: $100 = Third place: $75. In order for ...

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Worldwide Quran Day on Friday March 6, 2015
Every year, the first Friday of March will be observed as worldwide Quran Day. It is humbly requested that all religious communities take a part in this cause, and ...



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